Saturday, June 9, 2007

10 Ways To Increase Your Child's Attention Span - Part 5

10 Ways To Increase Your Child's Attention Span - Part 5

Tip # 5

Use brainwave entrainment to focus and calm the child down. This is a powerful way to calm down an entire class at once and is a very useful tool for teachers.

Parents can use it at home as well, to help a hyperactive child to calm down and focus on tasks like homework or studying.

Brainwave Entrainment is almost like rewiring the brain to function at it's peak capacity. An ADD Child's brain is very low in Beta Brainwaves - This is the brainwave pattern in which we are alert and can concentrate and focus easily. It is almost as if they are in a sort of 'mental-fog'

Listening to a brainwave entrainment CD helps to increase the Beta Brainwave Pattern and makes the child more alert, increases their attention span and allows them to remain focused on the tasks at hand.

Best of all, brainwave entrainment is simple and easy to use. No specialized knowledge or fancy equipment needed. All the child has to do is listen to a special audio soundtrack once or twice a day.

To find out more click the blue link below:
attention deficit disorder treatment

10 Ways To Improve Your Child's Attention Span - Part 4

10 Ways To Improve Your Child's Attention Span - Part 4

Tip #4

Discover Your Child’s Learning Style.

The are 3 types of learning styles – visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

Visual learners absorb information best through the sense of vision and do best learning through books, videos etc. They need to see something in order to fully and easily understand it.

Auditory learners learn best by hearing the information. Oral instructions, lectures, audio books etc. are all good choices with

this type of learner.

Kinesthetic Learners learn best through movement and doing. Most (but not all) ADD/ADHD children fall into this category.

Movement and ‘doing’ need to be incorporated

Into their learning if they are to reach their full potential.

Traditional Schools cater mainly to visual and auditory learners. Kinesthetic learning requires much more time and e

effort on the part of the teacher and many of these types of learners are deemed slow or learning disabled, when the only thing ‘wrong’ with them is their learning style.

Finding out and understanding your child’s learning style will go a long way to helping him to unlock the dormant potential within.

Friday, June 8, 2007

10 Ways To Improve Your ADD Child's Attention Span -Part 3

10 Ways To Improve Your ADD Child's Attention Span -Part 3

Tip #3

Enroll your Child in a martial Arts Class. Learning Martial has a number of benefits for the child:

· It increases a child’s self-esteem by empowering them to defend themselves if the need arises,

· It is a skill that is highly regarded amongst the child’s peers

· It improves physical co-ordination

· It teaches respect for others

· And it burns off some of the excess physical energy that the child has.

10 Ways To Improve Your ADD Child's Attention Span - Part 2

10 Ways To Improve Your ADD Child's Attention Span - Part 2

Limit TV & Video Games to no more than an hour a day on weekdays and 2 hours a day on weekends. Eliminate any violent programming or games as far as possible, as these encourage the development of violent tendencies.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

10 Ways To Improve Your ADD Child's Attention Span - Part 1.

10 Ways To Improve Your ADD Child's Attention Span - Part 1.

Lack of focus, poor concentration and short attention spans are core symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder. 'He doesn't listen' or 'He doesn't pay attention' are common complaints voiced about the ADD child.

What can you as a parent or teacher do to help the ADD Child focus and pay attention. In this 10 part series I will be discussing 10 simple ways to Increase an ADD Child's Attention Span.

Tip #1
Start each day with a healthy breakfast that is high in protein and low in refined carbohydrates.
That means that sugar coated breakfast cereals and donuts are out!!
Smoothies made with low fat milk/yogurt and fruit, cheese on wholewheat toast, eggs etc are better alternatives. These foods provide the brain with what it needs to function at it's peak.
Studies have shown that kids who ate breakfast regularly demonstrated significantly higher reading and math scores, lower levels of hyperactivity, better school attendance, had longer attention spans and fewer behavioral problems than those who didn't eat breakfast.