Thursday, March 20, 2008

Handling the Hard-To-Handle ADD / ADHD Child.

%%FNAMEFriend%% Is the Dream of parenting your child quickly turning into a nightmare?

Is your ADD Child more difficult to handle than your other kids?

Is every day a struggle?

Parenting and disciplining a child are tough to begin with, but disciplining and parenting the ADD/HD child is even more difficult. Their extra energy, coupled with their impulsiveness and distractability all combine to create a recipe for TOTAL CHAOS & ANARCHY.

Discipline techniques that work for normal kids fail dismally with the ADD child.

(In a hurry - click this link

This point was brought home to me when an old friend popped in for a visit and brought her 5 year-old son, Micheal, along.

Her son happily joined my kids in the den whilst my friend Suzie and I settled down to a cup of coffee and a good old fashioned heart to heart.

The peace lasted no more than 2 minutes, when our peace was shattered by the sound of anguished meows and screaming....followed by my son rushing in breathlessly to tell us that Micheal was trying to take the cat for a pulling it's tail.

Once we had loosened Micheal's vice-like grip on the poor kitty's tail, we settled down to chat again. Our peace was interrupted once again by my son telling us that Micheal was jumping on the sofa (An activity strictly forbidden in my home)

We went down to the den, and my friend Suzie attempted to get Micheal to stop jumping. After several failed attempts, a few of which included dire bodily harm, she eventually had to pick him up kicking and screaming and put him into the car. As she backed out of the driveway, Micheal's tantrum in full swing in the back seat, my mind went back to when my son was 3 years old and the discipline problems I had with him.

I knew what it was like to feel like a failure as a parent, to be humiliated in public by your child's unruly out-of-control behavior.

I thought of how most parenting books offered little practical help in dealing with a child with ADHD. The same techniques that had worked so well for my daughter were totally ineffective with my son.

I also remembered all the trail and error that I had to go through, in order to find parenting and discipline techniques that worked for his unique ADHD temperament.

That night, when my kids were in bed I called Suzie and shared with her some of what I learned. Two weeks later, Suzie called me up.

She sounded so different from the frazzled, overwhelmed mom I had spoken to before. A new sense of calm and confidence was in her voice when she told me "I can't believe it. Micheal is a different kid. I;m amazed that the few simple suggestions that you gave me worked so well. I must admit that at first I was skeptical, I doubted that something so simple could work. But I figured that I had nothing to loose so I tried your suggestions. And I'm amazed. Micheal is calmer, he actually listens and obeys me the very fist time."

I've shared some of the "secrets" in the first and only ADD PARENTING E-COURSE ever.

Learn parenting and discipline techniques to make your child the winner he was destined to transform him from a problem child into a confident, happy and successful child.

And I'm offering you a two week free trail to this e-course, but only if you act right now.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How Your Parenting Style Affects Your Child.

Parenting a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has more pitfalls than
parenting the average child.

You'll need to experiment to find out what works best for
your child. Also, because a child with ADHD is unpredictable,
what works one day might need a different approach the next.

Your style of parenting affects your child's behavior. Just
as good habits can be learned, there are things that can increase
the likelihood of misbehavior.

They include:
1. Your experience as a child. If you were told off all the
time as a child, you might do the same with your own
children - or go the opposite way and never tell them off.

2. Parents disagreeing on rules. This confuses your child,
who won't know what he's supposed to be doing so his
behavior will deteriorate. You're also setting yourself up
for 'divide and rule', where if one parent says no, he'll ask
the other and act on a 'yes'.

3. Lack of energy. If you've had a hard day at work, you're
feeling low, you're not getting enough help or you're
coming down with a bug, it's easy to let discipline slip.
One-off occasions won't hurt, but if it continues for a long
time, your child may start behaving badly to get some
attention from you.

For more parenting tips for your ADD Child take a look at The Calm Kids Program

Friday, February 29, 2008

Is Behavior Modification A Viable Treatment Option?

Yes, it is.
What behavior modification principles can you use to minimize the symptoms of ADHD?
The answer is – SO MUCH!

The basic principles of treatment – for adults and children
both – are:
  •  structure,
  •  lifestyle changes and
  •  finding and developing talent.
Unfortunately most professionals put a lot of focus on the medication, but these skills are an essential part of the treatment process that is often overlooked.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Are you aware of these physical side effects of Ritalin?

Are you aware of these physical side effects of Ritalin?

The Physical Side Effects Of Ritalin That You Need To Be Aware Of.

Has your child just been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD? Are you considering placing your child on some sort of medication?

When my son was diagnosed with ADHD, the doctor immediately prescribed Ritalin, without telling me about any of the other treatment options that are available. I was lead to believe that medication was my only answer....and that Ritalin was the drug of choice. But I didn't start him on Ritalin, because of some negative publicity concerning this potent drug. I was determined to find out more....and I was horrified at what I uncovered.

The side effects of Ritalin are often more devastating than parents are led to believe. In many cases when the child begins to suffer from the side-effects of Ritalin, other drugs are prescribed to counteract those symptoms. Before long, a whole host of devastating and sometimes irreversible side effects have occurred.

Before you begin medicating your child you need to be aware of some of these
physical side effects:

  • Nervousness and Insomnia
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations
  • Headaches
  • Dyskinesia (involuntary movements similar to a tic)
  • Drowsiness
  • Blood pressure and pulse changes
  • Angina
  • Cardiac Arrhythmia (The heart may beat too fast or too slow and this is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the heart)- In most cases this isn’t a cause for concern in itself, but there are times when a cardiac arrhythmia can lead to a cardiac arrest and death.
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Weight loss during prolonged therapy caused in part by a loss of appetite that the drug creates. In some cases it has even lead to the development of Anorexia.
  • Tachycardia- a form of cardiac arrhythmia in which the heart beats rapidly.
  • Slowed growth and development
These side effects are not pulled out of a hat, they are right there in plain black and white on the Ritalin insert that comes with every box.

There are so many other safer and more effective treatment options available today, that Ritalin should be used as a last resort. If you do decide to medicate your child, do so in strict accordance with your physician's guidelines and monitor all physical changes that occur and report them to the physician if necessary.

For me, I just wasn't prepared to take the chance. I looked into other forms of alternative treatment such as , many of which are now part of The Calm Kids Program
This is a holistic program that focuses on brainwave entrainment, Behavior Modification, Supplementation as well as teaching the child positive coping strategies to help him to increase his attention span and to calm him down.

For a free report “The Dark and Deadly Side Effects Of Ritalin & Other Drugs” please go to

If you would like to know more about the side effects of Ritalin, as well as take a look at some fantastic related resources, please go to

Monday, February 18, 2008

A very Contoversial post. What do you think?

The Present & the future: The Dangers of Ritalin

After reading the post that I've linked to above, I'm left with very mixed feelings. Part of what was written resonated with me and I found myself almost shouting out loud "That's not true" to other parts of the post.

I do agree that Ritalin is overprescribed and as Dr. Peter Breggin -who is quoted in the post- says that sometimes doctors seek easy solutions to behavioral problems which may have more complex causes.
I also agree that Ritalin is not a magic bullet to the proble with ADD.

But where I start to differ is when the very existence of Attention Deficit Disorder is questioned. The reason for the questioning of wheteher ADD exists or not is based on the fact that there are no measurable, scientific tests that can prove conclusively the existence of ADD.

Instead the diagnosis of ADD relies on a series of diagnostic questions that are answered by the child's parent, the medical practitioner and perhaps the teacher. And these can be highly subjective. But that does not mean that ADD / ADHD doesn't exist.

I also feel that the diagnostic criteria listed in the post are inaccurate. Where is any mention of a limited attention span. Or any mention of a child who is hypepractive? The post focuses on the behavioural aspect of ADD, which may or may not be present in someone who has ADD / ADHD.

The premise of the post is that doctors and parents are using medication to control their out-of-control kids That may be true in some cases, but I certainly wouldn't label all parents who choose to medicate their child with such a heartless label. To Dr. Breggin and "The Doctor" who made the post ADD is simply a child with lots of anger.

I know from personal experiance that ADD & ADHD exist. And reading any forum on attention deficit disorder will put you in contact with hundreds of caring parents who want what is best for their kids, not lazy parents who want to drug their kids into behaving better. And you'll see the pain, anguish and suffering that ADD causes is real.

He also points out some pretty scary side effects of Ritalin, including stunted growth, shrinkage of the brain, possible addiction and so on.

I have chosen not to medicate my children (I have 2 boys with ADHD), NOR to take medication myself (I have ADD) because I feel the side-effects are too high a price to pay.

Instead I have chosen to use a combination of beahvior modification, brainwave entrainment and a healthy, wholesome diet to treat the ADD & ADHD, and I must say that I'm pleased with the results.

Parents need to be made more aware of alternative treatments once their kids are diagnosed so that they can make an informed decision, and I think all parties concerned (parents, teachers, doctors and other health care providers) should fully educate themselves on all avaliable options. I would also urge parents to consider medication as a final resort and not a quick-fix. You'll be surprised at what a positive difference some small simple changes to a child's diet or daily routine can make.

That's why I've put together a free report entitled "10 Ways to Increase Your Child's Attention Span & Improve His Behavior Without Drugs" and "The Dark & Deadly Truth Behind Ritalin & Other Drugs." to make parents aware of the side-effects and dangers of Ritalin that your doctor may be unaware of.

What do you think? What has your experiance been? Have you ever used Ritalin? Or is your child on Ritalin? Or are you against Ritalin? What do you think of Dr. Peter Beggin's claims? Share your opinion by posting a comment and let's get a discussion going about this very controversial opinion.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Child Has Been Diagnosed With ADD, Now What? - The first steps after diagnosis

When my son was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, I felt a plethora of mixed emotions:

relief, remorse, fear,disappointment or frustration.

You may feel the same way. But whatever you feel, do not forget that your child's situation is not out of control.

There are a number of ways in which you can help your child use his talents, and deal with ADD.

The first and most important step is to learn all you can about ADD/ADHD and to educate yourself about all the treatment options.In this way you can make an educated decision and will not fall prey to the myths and misinformation that is so rife.

You would also become more aware of the popular treatments, and be more prepared to face what might come next. It should also be helpful in preparing you to work with the doctor for managing the disorder successfully. This blog as well as the links on the right hand side of the blog are a great way to start. You can also get the 2 free reports about ADD here.

Deciding to medicate your child or not is an entirely personal one. According to some parents, being able to provide their children with means to lead a normal life is the best opportunity that they can give.

But, for others,as was the was for me (and thousands of others) medication is not a good choice. However, no matter what you decide, you should be sure of it and well informed about your choice.

You need to be aware of the variety of treatment options available, and even if your child is taking medication, some behavior modification techniques, properly and consistently implemented will make a positive difference in your child's behavior and academic performance.

These prepare your child with lasting skills to provide them with help in becoming efficient and productive. The strategies for your child's actions and the consequences should be set by you.

My son with ADHD responded best to well defined limits set on his actions and consistent discipline. This wasn't (and isn't ) always easy, but it's well worth the additional effort it takes.

Remember, that as the parent, you are your child's best supporter, and must encourage him every step of the way.

Work as a team with your child's doctor and teachers to ensure steady progress in all the key areas of your child's life.

And most importantly accept, love and cherish this unique human being.

Build his self-esteem and focus on the positive things he does.

Join a good support group and reach out to other parents who have been through what you are now experiencing.There are many excellent forums and discussion groups on the internet and you are sure to learn a lot from the experiences of others.

And don't loose heart. Having ADD or ADHD, whilst certainly a challenge , is not the end of the world.

In fact, it's the beginning of a new and exciting future for your child. One where he can become the unique, talented and wonderful human being he was born to be.