Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms - The major ADD symptoms you need to look out for -Part 1.

Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms - The major ADD symptoms you need to look out for -Part 1.

Perhaps you're not quite sure if your child really has Attention deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. You strongly suspect that they do, but you're not quite sure. Unfortunately there isn't a blood test or some other physical test that can conclusively prove that your child has Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

But there are some major symptoms of ADD that will be present in children with all types of ADD. In this blog post we will discuss the first one - Inattention.

The problem with the Attention Deficit Disorder Child is not that he can't pay attention, but that he pays attention to too many things at once. He has trouble blocking out external stimuli and focusing on the task at hand.

The Attention Deficit Disorder Child is distracted by the TV, noise outside the window, the telephone ringing or someone walking past.

Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms.

Parenting the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Child.

Parenting the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Child.

Parenting the ADD child is quite a challenge. Not only do you have to cope with the challenges that come with parenting an ADD child you have to deal with the opinions of those around you as well. Grandparents may feel that there's nothing wrong with the child, he just needs stronger discipline. After all ADD didn't exist when Granny was a little girl. The Next Door Neighbor may feel that you are using ADD as an excuse for your child's bad behavior.

What you need to remember is that your child is suffering from a recognized medical condition and it requires special care.

Your best line of defence is a good education. Learn all that you can about ADD/ADHD. This blog is a good place to start. Read as many books as you can. To help you select books most suitable to the needs of your ADD child, take a look at